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Al Lewis a'r band

18 Oct 2024


Cefnogi | Support: Gildas

Mae Al Lewis yn gantor/cyfansoddwr dwyieithog o Gymru. Hyd yn hyn, mae Al wedi rhyddhau cyfanswm o 7 albwm, ac enwebwyd ei albwm solo cyntaf yn y Saesneg, ‘In the Wake’, ar gyfer Gwobr Gerddoriaeth Cymru gyntaf. Mae ei albymau Cymraeg i gyd wedi treulio sawl wythnos yn safle #1 ar Siartiau Iaith Gymraeg BBC Cymru.

Al Lewis is a bilingual singer/songwriter from Wales.Al has so far released a total of 7 albums, his solo debut English language album ‘In the Wake’ was nominated for the inaugural Welsh Music Prize and his Welsh language albums have all spent multiple weeks at #1 on the BBC Cymru Welsh Language Charts.

Gyda Menter Iaith


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Fri 18 Oct 24

Gwybodaeth Allweddol

Standard | Safonol: £15.00, Child | Plentyn: £10.00
Production Company
Menter Iaith


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