Gwybodaeth i Ymwelwyr: Mae cyrraedd yma’n syml…
Bydd y rhan fwyaf o bobl sy’n darllen hyn yn defnyddio ffôn clyfar i gyrraedd…
Ac os ydych chi’n defnyddio cyfrifiadur, peidiwch becso! Fe ddangoswn ni ichi sut i gyrraedd beth bynnag…
I ddefnyddwyr ffôn clyfar a rhai Unedau Llywio â Lloeren …
Pa ffôn clyfar bynnag (iPhone, Android etc) sydd gyda chi, ewch at eich ap gwe-lywio (Maps, Google Maps, Google Earth, Tom Tom ayyb). Teipiwch ‘Pontardawe Arts Centre’ a chlicio ar y faner sy’n dweud ‘Pontardawe Arts Centre’, yna gwasgwch ‘Directions to Here’ neu teipiwch ‘SA8 4ED’.
Ac os yw’n well gyda chi gael cyfeiriadau hen ffasiwn fel yn yr hen ddyddiau gynt ….
Walk or Bike!
We are thinking of our carbon footprint so if you can think ahead and try these options first…
Walk- Many people who visit the venue live within walking distance, even if it’s up or down a hill, if you’re able to walk enjoy it.
Bike- We are right on the National Cycle Network, we are a 2min ride from route 43, more info can be found on the two links below and it’s well worth cycling along this route as it’s a great journey. We also have bike racks outside the venue. Here is the link to the local cycle paths and active travel maps.
View map | DataMapWales (
Route 43 –
Cludiant Cyhoeddus
Ar y Bws Mae bysiau’n mynd yn uniongyrchol i Bontardawe o Gastell Nedd ac Abertawe’n rheolaidd.
Ar y Trên The nearest train station is Neath Station, approx. 6 miles. (Trainline)
Ar yr heol
If you’re able to car share or offer friends and family lifts if possible that would be fantastic. Leave the M4 at Junction 45 and take the A4067 signposted Pontardawe. At the 1st roundabout go straight ahead (2nd exit). At the 2nd roundabout go straight ahead. At the 3rd roundabout (Tesco’s Superstore) take the 2nd exit left. At the 4th roundabout go straight ahead (3rd exit) onto Pontardawe Industrial Estate. Take the 1st left for Herbert Street shopping Centre. Turn left at the T-junction. Pontardawe Arts Centre is on your left.
Gellir parcio ar hyd Stryd Herbert, ym maes parcio cyhoeddus Stryd Herbert (trowch i’r dde wrth Ganolfan y Celfyddydau) neu ym maes parcio clwb nos ‘Paradise’. Dyma sut i gyrraedd:
Trowch i’r chwith wrth y 4edd gylchfan (2il allanfa), ac mae’r maes parcio ar y llaw dde. Mae pont droed yn y maes parcio; cerddwch dros y bont droed, ac mae Canolfan Celfyddydau Pontardawe ar ochr arall yr heol.
Tacsi Agosaf:
Pontardawe taxi: 01792 865560
A&M taxi: 01792 830241
Black Cabs: 01792 86485
Hefyd yn yr adran hon...



Cyfeillgar i’r Teulu

Gwybodaeth am y Swyddfa Docynnau

Cynlluniau seddau

Ymweliadau Teulu
